Through design, I can help you to have your products and services differentiated in the market, generating real profit results and brand value growth. My main areas are Package Design, Ux Ui Product Design, and Branding Identity.
Good design is measured by user satisfaction and profit creation!
Here are some of my Package and Identity designs.
If you are looking for a specific segment, please contact me.

WMobility case study
Ux / Ui Case Study, app, and responsive web design. End-to-end design process: journey mappings, design methodology, ideation, wireframing, low and high-fidelity prototyping, usability studies, and iterating on designs. Create the voice and tone for the brand, visual design, interaction design, and design system. Take a look!
My Panini case study
End-to-end design process. Ux/Ui Case Study app for a gourmet sandwich delivery restaurant. Journey mappings, ideation process, wireframing, low and high-fidelity prototyping, usability studies, and iterating on designs. Visual design, interaction design, OKRs, and design system. Take a look!
Coming soon
More cases are coming very soon! In the meanwhile, check My Background, or take a look at my work in Branding identity and Packaging Design...
Hello, I´m Ricardo Pletes, I´m a senior Package Designer, Ux Ui Product Designer, I hold a Master of Science in Strategic Design, and I have over years of experience in solving complex problems, transforming, and valuing businesses through human-centered design. By strategic design, I build better brands, products, and services.
Since graduating in architecture, I have always positioned the user as first priority. Architecture is made with the user in mind, human scale, use of the spaces, and sensations to be created.
When advancing in the area of design, I added to this way of acting, knowledge, and skills in Branding, Strategic Design, and Design Thinking, combined with my analytical skills, to deliver products that fit the user in the business needs.
Management Capability
I have managed multidisciplinary teams, investors, constructor engineers, suppliers, and final clients as an architect. As a designer, this continues with the client, the outsourced crew of engineers, illustrators, and other stakeholders, managing the needs of each part to a common objective, but always with the final user in mind.
Deliverability and adaptability
Understanding end-user needs in-depth, customer needs, time and budget constraints to responsibly and dynamically deliver projects that drive real results. Ability to think creatively and deliver clever concepts with high attention to details.
Solving user problems
Perhaps here is my most significant contribution. Through strategic design methodologies, capability to interpret data, work with multidisciplinary teams, and responsibility for driving results, I have the ability to lead and contribute to the resolution of complex problems. Co-designing, Solving problems, and creating opportunities through design.
Always learning
I’m a fast learner and I’m very adaptable. Demonstrated by the different design areas I’ve been through – architect, furniture designer, graphic designer, branding, packaging designer, web designer, and Ux Ui product designer. Always using methodologies and inclusive visual communication in order to obtain a maximum shared understanding of the problem and ideas.
What my lovely clients are saying…
Deb Di Gregorio
Camarès Communication
"Ricardo is a global citizen and brilliant designer. We have worked closely for many years. His commentary is thoughtful and he is collegial in his working style. His work is clean, insightful and never ceases to please. In all my decades working in marketing he rates among the best of the best designers that I have had a privilege of working with."
Débora Trierweiler
"The work developed by Ricardo started with a deeper understanding of our purpose as a business and respecting our DNA. His work was so profound, that for the first time in 30 years, someone convinced me to update the company logo. We are already noticing the positive impact of this update. We are aware that Ricardo led us to reach places where we have not yet gone. Besides that, the value of our brand grows every day!"